Friday, August 19, 2011


-The heart of creativity is change.

-When you are through changing, you are through.

-Change always comes bearing gifts.

Change is: Exciting! Scarey… S-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l

It’s something I need. Complacency is even scarier to me. After 11 years of living in California, it’s time for me to make a change. Boy, did I resist it! It’s easy to focus on the things you will miss, like favorite trails, the beach, and most of all friends. Yes, I’ll miss those things, but they’ll always be with me. It’s just time for me to move on to the next set of experiences. New favorite places and even more friends.

People’s reactions say a lot about their views on change. Most people congratulate me on my decision and wish me the best. A few admire my courage to make a big step. But a small number are very negative - one even begged me not to sell my house because she’s so sure I’ll hate Colorado and want to move back to California.

Change is good. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Change is always good....I have moved from Ecuador to Michigan to Florida to New Jersey to California...every time we moved it has been a great period of adjusting to new adventures and your heart to new possibilities and new people and new friends. Enjoy the breeze in the morning, the sun when comes out and the view to the mountains...enjoy the first winter when it comes, make the best out of it, and every day will be a new adventure. Remember that today is your day, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet...enjoy the moment and good luck !
